Generally, a timber frame builder can offer you a much more cost-effective solution to build as compared to any traditional builder, just because the materials will be more affordable and also less labour will be involved in the whole building works.
Usually, timber frame extensions are much faster to build, particularly if the extension will be built during the winter months as it is going to be less dependent on any good weather conditions.
Which is more popular?
As of now, more than 70% of new properties under construction are still traditional masonry walls. However, these timber framed-buildings are now catching up and going to be more popular.
Which is more durable?
Timber being a living product, it can rot, warp and there can be many other issues because of more flexibility that timber can be as a building material.
However, you cannot simply write off this material. If you ever visit any local country pub, a good chance that you will find a timber frame, and probably it must have stood on that spot for several decades.
However, a fresh new timber building may offer certain issues when fitting any wet rooms, because it is hard to control water movement when the entire building structure will be susceptible to movement, so certain shower cubicles may be recommended.
Which is more affordable?
Typically, timber frame buildings can work out more affordable, and also there is more surety in your costs, and there will be fewer unexpected expenses, particularly if you are using a Structural Insulated Panel System.
Which should I choose?
All the above questions may not be able to convince you to draw a conclusion on which construction technique you should adopt. You will find several pros and cons for both methods. However, the speed and also eco-friendly credentials of your timber frame, the durability, and sound and heat retaining of masonry walls must be considered.
Many people will never be convinced with homes made of timber frames while some may say they will just not feel like a home, which can be ok, but they surely have their advantages.
If you are looking for timber frame builders to build a new home or trying to add an extension to your home then contact a builder who has long experience. They can address all your doubts and ensure your project finishes with a building handed over to you on time, also meeting your budget with impeccable design.
Timber frame extensions summed up.
A timber frame extension can be a perfect all-rounder when you want to make more space at home.
You can save money by choosing a timber frame extension, however, the factors that can affect the price are:
- The thickness of your frame
- Structural requirements
- Size and type of frame
- Amount and type of insulation
- Degree of prefabrication
- Choice of your external cladding
- Glazing specification and amount
- Your location and materials availability.
Also, you must budget for a suitable architect and other consultants for helping you plan your project.